Re: Formula Assistance 🙏
Absolutely! Happy this worked for you.1 · -
Re: Formula Assistance 🙏
Hello @JackofAll Something like this perhaps? =IF([Education Expense]@row <= 5000, MAX(0, 1000 - [Wellness Expense]@row - MAX(0, [Education Expense]@row - 4500)), 0)1 · -
Re: If a sheet was created, and the person is no longer employed, can we still get access to the sheet?
Yes, you can achieve this if either you or someone else has system level admin access. 1. Click on your profile on the Smartsheet homepage, and click User Management. https://admin.smartsheet.com/man…1 · -
Re: Random Number - Generate sample from the raw data
Hi @Romano el Polako I was able to achieve the 1 2 3 4 5 repeated all the way down by experimenting with an "Auto Number" column. This column simply counts all the rows in your sheet. Using…1 · -
Re: Count if formula for starred/checkbox - help!
Hello, Is this what you're going for? =COUNTIF({Site Activated Column}, 1) Update {Site Activated Column} with the appropriate reference. The 1 indicates TRUE, so it counts how many are stared.1 ·